MereoPhysis Methodology

The Mereophysics Methodology

.Mereophysics aims at providing a methodology to derive - eventually - physics equations
The following rules / logical expressions  provide the basis for this methodology.

Mereopyhsics Rules

A,B, C denote expressions reperesenting one side of an equation: \[A = 1 \wedge B=1 \rightarrow A=B\]

\[A = 1 \rightarrow A^2=1\]

\[A = 1 \rightarrow A^4=1\]

\[A = 1 \rightarrow A^n=1\]

\[A = 1 \wedge B=1 \rightarrow A/B=1\]

\[A = 1 \wedge B=C-1 \rightarrow B=C-A\]

\[A = 1 \wedge B=1 \rightarrow A-B=0\]

The first rule says for example that if there are two expressions A and B both equalling 1 there  is equality between these expressions and thus a new equation can be derived: A=B.

Basically these rules are simple rules for algebraic operations.
The list by now  has been extended to those rules which have been applied when deriving the equations on this website.
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